Biotechnology PhD Training Program



Joanna Adadevoh - Winner, 3rd Annual UVa Three Minute Thesis Competition (’15), 3rd place UVa Engineering Research Symposium (’16); Lois T. Rader Prize in Chemical Engineering (‘17)

Maria Ali - UVa Jefferson Scholars Foundation Research Prize; NIH NRSA Fellowship ('19), Graduate Bioscience Society Student Leadership Award (’20)

Kaity Allen - Finalist, Poster Competition, 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media (’11)

Ernie Perez Almodovar - Teaching Assistant Award UVa Engineering and Applied Science (’11), International Adsorption Society Award for Excellence in the PhD Dissertation (’12), Louis T. Rader Award (’12), L. William Ballard Jr. Award (’12)

Anthony Awojoodu - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ('11), Ford Fellowship (’11; declined)

Ivan Basurto - UVA Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Fellowship (’17)

Matt Biggs - Big Data award (’14)

Anna Blazier - Robert R. Wagner Fellowship award (’15, ‘17), SEAS Applied Teaching Fellowship (’16), Mary and Otis Updike Professional Development Award in BME (’16), UVA School of Medicine Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship (’18)

Kellen Chen - Mary and Otis Updike Professional Development Award in BME (’17), UVA Engineering Research Symposium 1st place poster  (17)

Bryan Chun - NIH NRSA Fellowship ('16)

Samantha Clark - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ('12)

Bruce Corliss - Peach Fellowship Award (’13), Micron Fellowship ('14)
Robert Deitcher - All-University Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (’07-08)

Kristin Fread - UVA School of Medicine Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship (’19)
Erwin Gianchandani - featured in UVa Explorations 'Graduate Student Research Excellence' ('08); BME/BIMS Outstanding Graduate Student (’08)

Celeste Goh - Finalist, 3rd Annual UVa Three Minute Thesis Competition (’15)
Stacey Gorski - Huskey Graduate Bioscience Research Exhibition (1st place; ’11); UVa Presidential Inauguration Poster Competition (Finalist; ’11), Outstanding Poster, American Association of Immunologists (’13)
Mitch Granade - Wagner Fellowship (’18)
Elizabeth Herbst - William L Ballard Jr Endowed Graduate Fellowship (’18 - ’19), Jefferson Fellowship (’17 - ’21), Wagner Fellowship (’21)
Alex Keller - Peach Fellowship Award (’14), American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (’16), ‘100 Leaders of Tomorrow’ (GapSummit ’17), Zweitach Student Travel Award (’18)
Michelle Kofron - Jill E. Hungerford Award ('04); - Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering ('06)
Kristina Little - American Heart Fellowship ('08)
Patrick Martin - UNCF/MERCK postdoctoral fellowship ('04)
Rosiland Mott - Mary and Otis Updike Professional Development Award in BME (’03)
Matthew Oberhardt - Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering ('08), Transatlantic Biotechnology Fellowship (’08), BME/BIMS Outstanding Graduate Student (’10), Jill E. Hungerford Award (’10),  Whitaker International Scholars Fellowship (‘10-’11), Dan David Prize (‘10-’11)
Tim Pabst - Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering ('08)

Eric Park - Finalist, Peach Michael J. Peach Award ('03)

Blaise Pfaff - UVA Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Fellowship (’17)
Kris Rawls - Elected National Vice-Chair of the National Society  of Black Engineers ('16)
Lauren Russell - L. William Ballard Jr. Fellowship (’13), Double Hoo Research Grant (’14), ARCS Fellowship (’17 - ‘19)
Millie Shah - Peach Fellowship Award (’12), Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship (’14), UVA School of Medicine Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship (’14,) American Heart Fellowship ('15)
Michael Smith - Michael J. Peach Honorable Mention Award ('03)
Michael Stadnisky - Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering ('10), Wagner Award nominee (’10), Raven Scholarship (’10)
Nicole Swope - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ('17), Double Hoo Award (’19)

Adrienne Williams - UVA School of Medicine Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship (’19)
Jacob Wolpe - American Indian Graduate Center Science Post Graduate Scholarship Fund (’19)
Phillip Yen - UVA Huskey Research Exhibition (’16)
Jason Yang - American Heart Fellowship ('07), All-University Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (’10-11), Mary and Otis Updike Professional Development Award in BME (’11), Jill E Hungerford Award (’12), BME Outstanding Grad Student Award (’12), co-winner Robert M. Berne CVRC Outstanding Trainee Award (’12)

Faculty (partial recent Award/Recognition)
Hui-Wang Ai - American Chemical Society Chemical Research in Toxicology Young Investigator Award (’17)
Silvia Blemker - UVa Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant (’06), UVA Excellence in Diversity Fellowship (’06), UVA Technology in Teaching Fellowship (’07), UVA University Teaching Fellowship (’10), Journal of Biomechanics Award (American Society of Biomechanics; ’10), Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award (’11), Commonwealth Endowed Associate Professorship in Engineering (’13), Editor’s Choice Award of the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (’16), Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering(’19)
Michael Brown - Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Dept. of Medicine (’11)
Linda Columbus - UVa Mead Honored Faculty (’08), NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (’09), Cottrell Scholar (’10); All-University Teaching Award (’13); State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award (’14)
Christopher Deppmann - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship (’10), UVa Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant (’10), Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award (’11), UVa Mead Honored Faculty (’13 - ‘14); All University Teaching Award (’16)
Douglas DeSimone - Robert J. Kadner Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching (’11); AAAS Fellow (’18)
Victor Engelhard - Robert J. Kadner Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching (’08)
Cassandra Fraser - 'Cavaliers' Distinguished Teaching Professorship ('04), AAAS Fellow (’16), Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award (’17)
Guarav Giri - Research highlighted in UVA Today 
John Hossack - Co-winner of Edlich-Henderson Innovator of the Year award (‘16) 
Ken Hsu - DOD Cancer Research Program Cancer Development Award (‘16), NSF Early Career Development Award (‘20)
Brant Isakson - Bristol-Meyer-Squibb Young Investigator Award )’07), American Physiological Society Young Investigator Award (’09), UVa Vivian Pinn Scholar (’16-’19)
Kevin Janes - Biomedical Engineering Society Young Investigator Award (’06), UVa Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant (’09), Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering (’09), Pew Scholar in Biomedical Sciences (’09), NIH New Innovation Award (’09), Kavli Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences (’12)
Kimberly Kelly - UVa Innovation feature (’09) 
Kyle Lampe - THRIV Mentored Career Development Award (’17), Prism magazine ’20 under 40 list’, American Society for Engineering Education (’18)
Gordon Laurie - Virginia Biotechnology Association Educator of the Year Award ('04), Fellow of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (’10; silver), Fellow of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (’10; gold), Harvard University Visiting Professor Lecturer (’15), UVa Vivian Pinn Scholar (’16-’19)
Xiaowei Lu - UVa Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant (’’06 - ‘07), Member, Faculty of 1000 (’09 - pres)
Kevin Lynch - UVa Biomedical Innovation Award (’09); UVa Christopher J. Henderson Inventor of the Year Award ('10)
Eyleen O’Rourke - Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences (’16)
Jason Papin - UVa Award for Excellence in BME Undergraduate Education (’07, ‘12), NSF CAREER Award (’07 - 12), UVa Distinguished Research Career Development Award (’14), Fellow of the American Institute for Medicine and Biological Engineering (’16)
Kwon Park - Research highlighted in UVA Today
Shayn Peirce-Cottler - Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award, Biomedical Engineering Society (’04), MIT Technology Review TR100 Young Innovator Award (’04), UVa University-Wide Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award (’09), Microcirculatory Society Weiderhelm Award (’13), Fellow of the American Institute for Medicine and Biological Engineering (’16), UVa Vivian Pinn Scholar (’16-’19)
Bill Petri - Inventor of the Year Award, UVa Patents Foundation (’03), Distinguished Mentor Award, UVa Dept. of Biology (‘10), All University Teaching Award (’13), State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award (’14), Virginia Outstanding Scientist Award (’17)
Rebecca Pompano - UVa Research Excellence Award (’20)
Benjamin Purow - UVa Vivian Pinn Scholar (’17 -’20)
Jeffrey Saucerman - UVa Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant (’07), UVa Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (‘12), NSF CAREER Award (’13 - ‘18), UVa Vivian Pinn Scholar (’17 -’20)
Lukas Tamm - AAAS Fellow (’18)
Jill Venton - UVa Distinguished Young Investigator Award (’06), NSF CAREER Award (’07 - ’12), Eli Lilly Young Analytical Investigator Award (’07), Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (’10), Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry Young Investigator Award (’11))
Hui Zong - Pew Scholar (’08)

Awards and Recognition

Erwin Gianchandani (BTP grad),

now a NSF Deputy Ass’t Director